
  • Queer Transformations Conference
    Kat and George are delighted to be presenting an oral paper at the Queer Transformations conference, organised by Dr Lizzie Reed, Dr Laura Harris and Dr Avi Boukli at the Department of Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology in the University...
  • Hephæstus Symposium
    Early in May (2-4/5) I had the opportunity to attend an innovative itinerant symposium called “The Economy and Organisation of Craft” run by an ERC Horizon project HEPHÆSTUS, directed by Marta Gasparin and the Swedish team is led by Elena Raviola....
  • Swedish STS Keynote
    I am delighted to be invited to keynote at the Swedish STS annual Science & Technology Conference hosted by the Technology & Social Change (TEMA) and Gender Studies at Linköping University. I am joined by Laura Watts who is giving...
  • ‘The Enemy has Many Faces’
    Insects, Clothing Inventions and Colonial Legacies One of the topics we’ve been exploring at POP concerns how clothing inventions mediate/shape/reflect relations between humans and animals. Originally, what we had expected to find were designs for activities such as hunting, farming...
  • 4S 2021 Conference Open Panel CFP
    This year's 4S (Society for the Social Studies of Science) annual conference is going to be in Toronto (and online) 6-9 October. 4S is one of primary networks for the international and interdisciplinary study into social studies of science, technology,...
  • Some Thoughts on the FACE OFF Symposium
    Last week, the POP team had the pleasure of attending the Face Off: The Provocations and Possibilities of Masks and Head Coverings online symposium hosted by the Manchester Fashion Institute at Manchester Metropolitan University. For two days, academics, artists and fashion practitioners from the US,...
  • Symposium: FACE OFF
    The POP team are presenting a paper at the upcoming online symposium FACE OFF hosted by the Manchester Fashion Institute on 13 - 14 January 2021 to explore the agency of face masks and head coverings across different chronologies, cultures...