Dr Kat Jungnickel


Kat is Primary Investigator and lead researcher. POP expands Kat’s creative STS research further into the fields of invention, gender/queer identities, citizenship and inventive methods. It directly builds on her ESRC funded research into 1890s women inventors of radical convertible cycle wear and her pioneering creative research using sewing as a sociological method. More about her experimental practice is at Bikes & Bloomers and

Professor Kat Jungnickel leads the ERC funded Politics of Patents (POP) project hosted by the Sociology Department at Goldsmiths. Prior to running this project she taught on sociology, STS and feminist technoscience and creative and inventive practice. Her research is on invention, gender, mobilities and DiY/DiT technology cultures. She is particularly interested in how people imagine different futures through the use (and misuse) of mundane and ordinary materials, technologies and practices.

Making, experimenting and engaging are integral to Kat’s research. Her interdisciplinary approach, methods and modes of transmission include websites, blogs, time-lapse videos, printed materials, photographs, performances, installations and costume. In addition to leading POP, she directs the Methods Lab and is co-editor on the Methods Lab book series with Rebecca Coleman (and Goldsmiths Press), which support interdisciplinary collaborations and experiments with inventive ways of doing social research.

Recent books include How to do social research with… (ed with Coleman and Puwar, MIT Press 2023), Failurists: When research goes awry (ed with Lammes, Hjorth and Rae, INC 2022), Transmissions: Critical tactics for making and communicating research (MIT Press 2020), Creative Practice Ethnographies (with Hjorth, Harris and Coombs, Lexington Press 2020) and Bikes and Bloomers: Victorian Women Inventors and their Extraordinary Cycle Wear (Goldsmiths Press 2018). See WRITINGS for recent journal articles.

More about her teaching and research is available at Goldsmiths Sociology.